Our Offer
Rollouts & Deployments
Local roll-out support
We specialize in local deployments of SAP templates set up by headquarters. We know substance of Polish business practise and law regulations typically leading to project’s change requests. Having led numerous roll-outs we learnt that integration of local requirements with globally blueprinted processes is never trouble-free. Project managers are forced to judge on case by case basis, struggle with vague and ambigious requirement’s description, loosing time, and ultimately money.
Your organization will save money hiring Systoni as we are qualified to precisely recognize legally driven requirements. You will profit from clear-cut and unbiased judgement helping to distinguish demands imposed by law from ordinary enhancements claims or what recurrently impacts roll-out projects – attempts to reproduce well-known legacy functions within template processes.
We offer you a list of Polish specifics to be addressed before you kick off first activities in Poland. In this way, scope risks can be mitigated and tackled in a timely manner. When you meet our consultants you will learn what measures to apply to make Polish implementation audit and tax compliant. Management of ascertained change requests is what keeps roll-out management troubled and eventually drains project’s budget; so plan your deployment proactively, use our expertise and secure project’s deadlines.
SAP template definitions and international roll-outs
Phase one – Building the template
Starting out Global Template definition a company must make no mistake. Quality of a template is a function of appointed for challenging role, resolute global process owners, senior consultancy and proven methodology. The core team needs to get ready for language and basic communication issues, mind set gaps, and countless requirements floating towards global desk. When money saving is company’s priority it should be no surprise for hired consultants that they must refrain from sophisticated and hard-to-maintain design, quite the contrary – template processes deserve certain level of trade-off, balance between desirable but incompatible features.
Uncomplicated and straightforward sketching may eventually make them reusable and prepared for inevitable change.
Phase two - Defending and maintaining the template
When the first successful deployment is concluded, the Global Desk typically starts operations with opening balance equal to unresolved issues and change requests inherited from the roll-out project. At this stage, without unavoidable level of formalism, strict procedures, cold judgement, and profit oriented attitude the template can be endangered.
Our consultants continuously work as Global Desk members acting responsible for global AMO processes in areas of technology and processes. This prime hands-on experience gained over years at a front line may be a great help for you. We are in a position to pinpoint areas of typical pitfalls and bottle necks at AMO center.
Contact us to learn more.