Individuelle Lösungen
Individuelle Lösungen
Our consultants deliver challenging solutions and play key roles in complex SAP projects. We take care about our customers and actively use our experience and knowledge – when it gets blended together it turns in the project a true success story.
We bring the project ship safely to a homeport. The ultimate measurement of project success is on one hand a satisfied customer and flawless solution, on the other hand – maximized ROI.
Chart of Accounts Conversion
Merging two companies is not just changing logos on employees’ business cards, such endeavor creates plenty of business and legal hurdles. It requires a great deal of back-and-forth from both companies. When it comes to SAP infrastructure it may mean either a brand new SAP implementation or data migration of a carved-in entity.
But what happens when one of the companies runs mature SAP system and due to ongoing incorporation its live chart of accounts needs to be aligned to a new structure, general ledger account length has to be stretched out?
Our experts worked together with SAP Walldorf conducting a custom service of Chart of Account Conversion. Three test cycles of database conversion were scheduled and accomplished; both customizing and transactional data underwent alteration. To keep track of migration steps a pre-installed add-on conversion cockpit served as a mission control center for selected project members.
The 100% accuracy of the live database conversion was achieved due to accurate and realistic planning and team’s effort of joint accounting and consultants.
Simultanious data cleansing
Vorwerk Polska is a member of Vorwerk Group. As a company it is located in Wroclaw, with branch offices across Poland. As direct sales company, it cooperates with lots of advisors. From IT point of view there was following situation at start.
From the head quarter came to Poland and to the project team following task – to verify existing business processes, describe them and build completely new, integrated IT solution. Vorwerk Polska was a pilot country for completely new system, what was implemented in Poland, will be then roll-out to the other countries, members of Vorwerk Group.
Multilayer “User-exit” Concept
Projekt i implementacja korporacyjnego wzorca systemu opartego na produktach SAP, który następnie ma być wdrażany w lokalnych filiach często zlokalizowanych w różnych krajach, stwarza całe spektrum problemów z punktu widzenia przyszłego utrzymania takiego rozwiązania. Pomimo swojej zaawansowanej i wyrafinowanej architektury system SAP nie w pełni wspiera wielowarstwowe środowiska rozwojowe. Zwykle poszczególne działy IT korporacji o zasiegu światowym tworzą branżowe aplikacje, wykorzystując
różne techniki rozszeżeń środowiska projektowego SAP. Te często niezależnie tworzone aplikacje wymagają integracji w systemie wzorca korporacyjnego zanim zostaną dostarczone oddziałom operacyjnym w poszczególnych krajach. Jednorazowe zintegrowanie takich aplikacji na potrzeby wzorca jest do zaakceptowania. Jednak utrzymymanie latami jednorodnego kodu staje się koszmarem podczas kolejnych uaktualnień aplikacji dostarczanych z tych różnych działów IT.
Nasi eksperci opracowali koncepcję i wykonali szkielet dla wielowarstwowego wykorzystania rozszerzeń SAP. Wykorzystano nowoczesną wówczas technikę Business Add-In’s, która pozwoliła na techniczne odseparowanie funkcjonalności pochodzących z różnych działów IT. Kod aplikacji branżowych, wzorca korporacyjnego i lokalnych rozszerzeń w filiach został wyizolowany w odpowiednich wartwach komponentów technicznych struktury wzorca, została jasno określona odpowiedzialność za utrzymanie poszczególnych
warstw rozwiazania. Tak zdefiniowana struktura rozwiązania pozwoliła na bezproblemową dystrybucję uaktualnień aplikacji, do dziś gwarantując ich implementację przy minimalnym nakładzie pracy.
System Merging
Vorwerk Polska is a member of Vorwerk Group. As a company it is located in Wroclaw, with branch offices across Poland. As direct sales company, it cooperates with lots of advisors. From IT point of view there was following situation at start.
From the head quarter came to Poland and to the project team following task – to verify existing business processes, describe them and build completely new, integrated IT solution. Vorwerk Polska was a pilot country for completely new system, what was implemented in Poland, will be then roll-out to the other countries, members of Vorwerk Group.
Enabling mobile services
Non-integrated applications used in a company led to typical data processing issues and process showstoppers. The information was not available at the push of a button, managers and board members were not informed on time about important KPI. At the same time, employees struggled spending hours on collecting necessary data from company’s departments and geographicallyspread out sales representatives were not able to report on time.
We integrated SAP ERP with WEB application that allows to access crucial information from any locationthrough any device connected to Internet. Thanks to our solution, sales representatives are able to deliver their sales data on time, furthermore they also can maintain master data, monitor sales performance and report actual sales figures. The company’s document flow became integrated, works efficiently and lightning fast. What the customer is most happy about are savings occurred as a result of the implementation, which can be easily measured in time and monetary units.